It's been a busy couple of months with lots of shows and outings to develop the young horses. Their confidence has grown and they are enjoying learning what it is like to be a performance horse. Our team go everywhere together and it is such a joy to take them out and test our buttons while working on their confidence. Looking forward now to the start of the spring season! |
We thoroughly enjoyed our clinics in Katherine and Darwin in the Northern Territory. An incredibly engaged audience all extremely keen to learn about equitation science and how it can improve welfare and make training more effective and efficient. Thanks to our amazing organisers and hosts and to the riders, trainers and coaches who came along with great questions and lots of enthusiasm. |
The season has started well with the horses competing well at WAYER CIC, Moora CNC, Brigadoon CNC and several SJ and dressage competitions as well. We are feeling the loss of Eminence but the younger horses are stepping up and it will be a year of rebuilding and consolidating. As always our training goals far surpass our competition goals as we strive to have happy horses and optimise welfare while having a successful competition team. Our Adult Riding Club is also going well with more members this year than last year and a great group of members they are! |
In the end it matters not that you die, because death comes for all of us soon enough. What matters is how you live. And he lived a giant, joyous life. He was always optimistic, gravity defying and the gentlest soul of all. He was king of everything, including our hearts. Now, when all that is left is the memory, we remind ourselves that we couldn't have loved him more. He brought the sky a little closer to the earth. Farewell Papa Bear - and thank you. |
We're honoured to be invited again to the Pony Club State Coaching School to present on equitation science and the new curriculum which will be rolled out in 2018. We've been working hard adding equitation science to the certificate syllabus and updating the documents over the past months. This will be a major project for us this year along with our usual business re-training and foundation training horses and coaching riders, all while running a team of four event horses. It's going to be a big one! |
Lucinda Green visited Perth again in her whirlwind manner and give all her riders incredible value and inspiration. The clinic was once again a great success with riders improving throughout the two days and many people conquering goals. The 4CYTE Epiitalis FORTE 1L prize pack was won by Natalya Dobias riding Manu - she can't wait to see how he feels once he's been on it for a while! UPDATE: Natalya has reported than Manu has improved hugely since starting on Epiitalis FORTE. He is more confident when jumping and moving better than ever! Check it out at |
PREPARING FOR THE SEASONDec 2017/Jan 2017We’ve had our little break over the Christmas period and now it’s time to get the horses up and running for the coming competition season. Where do we start? The horses have been on the scales and for the ones that finished the season a little lighter on the news is great, but for three-star horse Eminence, that extra 35kg has to go!
The pre-season starts with good quality management during the rest period. There is never time to be wasted when it comes to managing a team of event horses so we begin the summer break with a post-season assessment with our vet and other team members to ensure we’ve got their diets and management programs right for the summer period as well as stocking up on all the essentials for the hotter days. READ MORE HERE including a video interview. |
We have secured Lucinda Green for another XC clinic in February 2018 and the entries are now open! Spots have filled within an hour but we have a running waiting list and spectators are welcome! The entries for the clinic filled in record time this year and we are looking forward to a fantastic clinic in February. Spectators are more than welcome to come along and this year we have chosen not to charge a spectator fee but instead to ask spectators to donate an amount of their choice to the Human-Elephant Learning Programs Foundation. Please visit for more information on H-ELP and click here for more info on the Lucinda Green Clinic as a rider and/or spectator. |
We were fortunate to have an incredible experience getting hands on with the charity we have been involved with for some time - the Human-Elephant Learning Programs Foundation ( There are several thousand asian elephants working throughout Asia and with no habitat left for them to return to the best bet for welfare is if training practises are updated and improved. Enter the H-ELP foundation. The training workshop we were involved in was conducted at the National Elephant Institute in Thailand and encompassed some 25 mahouts (elephant trainers) from the northern Thailand region including mahouts from the Royal Elephant Stables. What an experience doing ground work with an elephant instead of a horse!! |
BRIGADOON CNCOctober 2017 A great weekend for the youngsters. Dance Hall Diva stepped back up to CNC* with a 6th place after Sophie carefully snatched defeat from the jaws of victory (!!!!!!) with a costly rider error on the cross-country and Phteven and Codebreaker had a relaxed weekend in the EvA80 and 95 respectively. Dance Hall Diva was her ever-consistent self and lead the dressage on a low 40s score and while our plan was a solid confidence building run it was going so well that towards the end of the course we thought there was a chance to get close to the time and keep the lead ending in a little blip at the second last fence. No harm done and still a wonderfully confident round but a 6th place instead of a win. A good mistake to make at a local show rather than an international! Codebreaker, our project horse, had a nice run in the EvA95 for a confident outing. He continues to show huge talent, we just need to get his training a little clearer so he copes with the atmosphere of shows. Phteven had his first start at EvA80 level and cruised around like it was no bigger than his last two shows which was a very pleasing result. The horses also went out to some showjumping where Codebreaker and Dance Hall Diva brought home lots of ribbons and the show jumpers were left wishing the eventers hadn't shown up! The end of October also brings with it one of our famous weekend Boot Camps where 20 riders come to stay with their horses for a weekend of good food, exercise and horse training. It was another very successful weekend with all riders enjoying themselves immensely! 20 riders, 4 pilates sessions, enough vegan food to feed an army, 24 lessons in dressage, cross-country, showjumping and working equitation, 3 lectures, two outside lecturers and 2 ridden demos. A seriously good weekend! Our next one will be early next year and more info about our boot camps and our adult riding club can be found at |
ALCOA CICSeptember 2017
As always, the Alcoa CIC at Fairbridge Village is a stunning event and this year even the weather was nice (after several years of terrible winds and rain!!). Eminence had a great run around the CIC** while Dance Hall Diva took out the EvA105 in her first run for a while! Diva lead the 105 field from start to finish ending on her impressive dressage score which Eminence found the atmosphere a little difficult for his dressage but jumped well and confidently to finish in the top half of the field. We're really thrilled with their runs and looking forward to the next few events. |
As the weather gets wetter we knuckle down for some solid training on the flat and in the working equitation paddock to save our horses' legs from the wet ground and keep them sound, fit and fresh. We love playing games and doing different things with our eventing horses and think it makes a huge difference to their training and longevity. This winter they learnt polocrosse, more working equitation games. jousting and even some rhythmic gymnastics with ribbons! All great fun and a good test of our buttons too! |
We always love the Dryandra CNC with its friendly committee and wonderful XC course. This year we had just two horses competing with Eminence in the CNC*** placing 2nd and Phteven having his second ever eventing start. Always a freezing cold event, this year Dryandra turned it on with fine weather and only a touch of frost on the truck ramp at 6am on cross-country morning! Eminence cruised around the 3* track to bring home 2nd place while Phteven had a wonderful event and grew in confidence ready for his next event at EvA80 level! |
As always, Moora was a fantastic event. No prizes this year but we always enjoy the rider-friendly atmosphere and wonderful course. We had two new horses on the team as well as our lovely Eminence who is becoming more and more consistent producing a fantastic test, a fun, clear XC round and just one down in the jumping for 7th place. Poetic (aka Phteven), had his first ever start and very much enjoyed his first ever party while the other new kid on the block found his first party with us somewhat overwhelming. He's a talented horse though and we're confident we can help him improve! We also welcomed Virbac to the team of sponsors - their products are state of the art and we've been avid users for a long time so we're happy to be able to represent them! Thanks to Nicole Lockyer and Waylib Photos for the pics. |
CAPEL CNCMarch 2017
A fun start to the season at Capel CNC with Eminence flying around the three star track like a seasoned horse. It was just his second start at that level and he felt fabulous thanks to his Thompson and Redwood feed and all his care and management from Dr Kathy Klein, including his Epiitalis Forte for his joints! Dance Hall Diva had an unfortunate allergic reaction after the dressage phase so missed out of the fun. Our next event will be Moora CNC where we will hopefully be introducing some new team members! |
NEW SPONSORS FOR 2017April 2017
It is with great pleasure that we introduce some new sponsors to the team for 2017. Saddles Plus and Epiitalis Forte have come on board to complement our other sponsors Thompson and Redwood and Dr Kathy Klein Equine Veterinarian. We're very proud to have such an amazing team behind us! |
After a dream end to his career, our beautiful Rexy heads into retirement sound and happy. We couldn't have asked for more - and it's thanks to a few very special people that he got this far. Rex came in to my life as a stop-gap horse. He was to help me step up the levels, and develop my riding on what we thought was a quiet, fairly straightforward horse. He turned out rather more quirky than planned, but also a lot more talented! He will forever be known as the pony club horse for his no fuss style, even when pinging over 4 star fences! Rexy's career has spanned over 10 years with me and has included 7 years at the top of the sport with placings and wins at all of Australia's major three days. We represented Australia together in the 2009 Trans Tasman and won the CCI*** at Wooroloo in 2010. Rex had his fair share of injuries but with careful rehabilitation and plenty of love he bounced back and his last two seasons of competition and his return to 3 star level is all down to the care and dedication of our wonderful vet Dr Kathy Klein who loves Rex almost as much as we do. It's been a very special journey but the end goal has always been to ensure that he finishes sound so he can enjoy a happy retirement. We have given him our hearts, but the horse, he gives us everything. |
Once again, Eventing in the Park was the perfect way to end the season! A thrilling competition, EITP is always great fun and a fabulous way to test the horses' training at the end of the season. Eminence jumped a fabulous round including being one of the only horses to clear the joker fence finishing him in 7th position and bringing home $2500 dollars of prizes! Let's Impress thoroughly enjoyed his round for 8th place and another $2000! What a great day at the office and a fantastic last run for Rexy. |
We're really looking forward to the 2016 Equestrian Boot Camp! Enjoy a horsey weekend of education and fun with coaches Portland Jones and Sophie Warren. Dressage, jumping (or poles!), cross-country, hiking, fitness, pilates, healthy food and plenty of fun and wine! Unmounted places also available - participate in all the unmounted activities, lectures, meals and fun. All meals included. Bring a swag or mattress. Horse accomodation provided. Mounted: $330 Unmounted: $110 |
BRIGADOON CNC and DRYANDRA CNC - back at the topJune 2016
A quiet weekend at Brigadoon with just one horse competing gave us a chance to enjoy the sport before a huge weekend at Dryandra CNC where we had two horses in the CNC***. Let's Impress proved he is well and truly back at the top finishing 3rd in his first CNC*** back since injury. We had a seriously great run cross-country - he felt a million dollars and showed his experience. Eminence also had a great run for his first CNC*** to finish 5th. It's a huge achievement to have two horses at three star level - something that has only ever been done by one or two other riders in WA. To say we are proud is an understatement. Next up we've got Gidgegannup CNC followed by Wooroloo CCI and Alcoa CIC. In the mean time we're working hard on the dressage team as well as the next generation of eventers to fill Let's Impress's shoes when he retires later this year. |
WAYER CIC and MOORA CNC - a successful start to the seasonApril 2016
After the summer break from eventing we had a bold start to the season at WAYER CIC with the biggest CIC** track we've ever seen! Moora CNC followed with Dance Hall Diva snagging a win in her first ever CNC* competition. All the horses started the season looking and feeling well thanks to the support of our fantastic sponsors. We're really lucky to have some great people and companies involved with our team and the results speak for themselves. WAYER CIC was by far the biggest track we've ever seen at two star level which provided a great confidence booster for the step up to three star for Eminence. Let's Impress also felt fabulous and he cemented his spot on the team for a bit longer yet - despite threats of retirement! Eminence finished 4th in a competitive field while Let's Impress brought home 5th. Dance Hall Diva also had a great fitness run around the EvA105 to bring home 3rd and a great prep for her first CNC* start at Moora where she brought home the trophy once again. Eminence also took the trip to Moora for another run at CNC** level where he finished a close 2nd behind late entry Cindy Lyall who was polished in all three phases. Next stop Brigadoon CNC and then we're off to Dryandra for the three star. |
Without a team, there is no rider, so we'd like to take the time to introduce our fabulous team of sponsors for 2016. We couldn't do what we do without the support, both financial and moral, of this team of inspiring and supportive people... Dr Kathy Klein - equine veterinarian extraordinaire and friend. Thank you for looking after our team, and for putting your heart and soul in to keeping Let's Impress going. Thompson and Redwood - simply the best feeds in the world, and the most supportive people ever. Bio-John Equine and Pet Superstore - your one stop shop for all your pet needs from quality gear and clothing to feed and bedding. Röösli Sattelbau - top quality saddles designed with both horse and rider in mind. We love our Röösli saddles and so do our horses! Sustainable Equitation - our new venture! It's about training the less than perfect horse, travelling, connecting with others and staying healthy. Nucerity International - seriously good skincare for horsey people who spend their life out in the elements. Brand new technology that you just have to love! |
PRE-SEASON 2016Jan 2016
After a very successful 2015 we've enjoyed a small break and have been busy over summer training horses for clients across the country. Our own horses are traveling well and we're looking forward to the coming eventing and dressage season! We've been honoured to train some fantastic horses from foundation training to re-training over the summer and can't wait to see them shine in their future careers. Our horses have been busy doing pre-season fitness (mostly hand-walking which keeps us fit and the dogs happy too!) and we're enjoying being able to do all our jumping, fitness work and even XC here at home in preparation for the first competition thanks to the addition of our water jump, ditches, apexes, roll tops, exercise track and newly refurbished jumping arena. As always, we'll have lessons and clinics available throughout the year as well as occasional vacancies for training whether you need re-training, foundation training (breaking in) or just further education for you and your horse. |
What a show! EITP always promises to be great fun and a fabulous atmosphere and in 2015 it delivered once again. An intense course, a huge atmosphere, wonderful friends and simply fantastic horses. Eminence finished 6th in a strong field - a really pleasing result. We have come a long way with this horse in the past few seasons. Let's Impress also came for a fun day out and he certainly had fun! Flying around, splashing through the water jumps and generally looking like he was enjoying his round. A great way to wrap up the 2015 season. |
Equestrian Boot Camp 2015 - 15 lovely ladies, 15 fabulous horses, lots of riding, plenty of thrills, a couple of spills, Pilates, vegan food, wine and champagne, hiking, 30 sore legs by the end of the weekend and a whole lot of fun. Thanks to everyone for coming and making the weekend great! Super vet Dr Kathy Klein, Melita Harmer from Valentine Equine, Caris and Fanny from Midland Physiotherapy and Martine Fitzi from Roosli Saddles - thanks for taking your time to present to our boot campers. Thompson and Redwood - thanks for all the goodies! Your generosity helped to make the weekend a memorable one. And last but not least, a special mention to Barb who took one for the team and christened the water jump in style - thanks for being such a good sport and well done, you conquered it moments later! Stay tuned for future boot camp dates.... |
We had a fabulous weekend at Brigadoon CNC for the last event of the season. Eminence did his best test yet and it was heartwarming to have him leave the arena feeling relaxed and confident. He jumped like a champion and brought home 4th place in the CNC**. Dance Hall Diva brought home the goods with a win in the EvA105 following a faultless performance. A great way to end the season! Looking forward to our last hit out for 2015 at Eventing in the Park. |
A massive team effort at Fairbridge brought fabulous results with Dance Hall Diva winning the EvA105 on her dressage score, Let's Impress 5th in the CIC** and Eminence 9th also in the CIC**. All horses were clear on the XC and had a ball out there feeling confident and clear on their job. Let's Impress felt fabulous round his first two star start since his injury and he has pulled up very well. He will head to Eventing in the Park in December and then we'll see how he is travelling next season! |
What a great show! Let's Impress came out for a quick spin to tune up ready for his first two star start since his injury and boy did we have fun! Jumping the only fast and careful round he was in the lead for most of the day until being pipped at the post by Kate Ingham and her ex-showjumper who jumped a clear round. |
We've thoroughly enjoyed working with the Off the Track WA team this year with their incredible free clinics for retired race-horse owners. At the last clinic, Portland and I were invited to do a lecture-demo where we presented our 'From stop, go and turn, to dressage' lecture aboard Dance Hall Diva. Our presentation was very well received and Diva put her best foot forward as always showing all the basics and how this turns in to the higher level movements including trot and canter half-pass and flying changes. We then showed her work in the bit-less bridle including her trying her hand at her first ever set of tempi-changes! Clever Diva - she nailed it! |
What a fantastic event we had at Moora! It was a huge thrill to have Let's Impress back at an eventing competition following what was thought to be a career ending injury at Melbourne CCI*** in 2013. We don't know how far he will go but it is great to have him back! He has pulled up very well so will head out again in a month for another run. It's so lovely to see such a smile on his face. Dance Hall Diva was consistent as ever producing a wonderful dressage test and following up with two clear jumping rounds on the showjumping and cross-country courses. She is really starting to feel like she knows her job and what a pleasure it is to ride her. Eminence stayed calm in the dressage, galloped like a machine across-country answering every question with ease and confidence and show jumped very well to finish in 7th position in a competitive CNC** field. Can't wait for the next one! |
Highlights from Past Years
Where to start...what an amazing weekend. Just so grateful for the opportunity to ride so many beautiful horses. Thank you so much to Ann Gasiorowski, Sonya Crute and Melanie Gleeson for placing so much trust in me. Viento was placed in every test at only his third outing - his first official competition - and CP Amelia II was consistent as always. Riverndell Solitaire and I became State Champions scoring 76% in her first test and just under 70% in the second to be crowned State Preliminary Champion for 2014. This gorgeous mare was also the winner of the Dressage WA Cup (Highest Score), the Grand Espoir Trophy (Highest Score by an Australian Bred Warmblood) and the AWHA Trophy (Highest score by AWHA registered horse). Congratulations Ann and thanks for your support! The success over the weekend is thanks to a large number of people who continually support me in my equestrian endeavours. To my clients and students - thank you for your support and for allowing me to be a part of your journey. To my incredible parents - thank you for your backing, for willingly (I think!) picking up the slack at home when I am off competing and for always being there. To my coaches over the years - you are wonderful. Ricky MacMillan, Uwe Spenlen, Nicholas Fyffe (just to name a few of the dressage ones!). To Portland Jones for training Viento and CP Amelia, for putting me forward for the job as their competition jockey and guiding me with their training this season and particularly in the lead up to the States. To the rest of the team at home, my sponsors, vets, farrier and the whole team behind each and every one of the horses I ride - thank you, thank you, thank you! Congratulations also goes to a large cohort of students who had successes at the State Dressage Championships, Harvey CNC Eventing and even one who successfully completed the Fremantle Half Marathon in a PB time - we certainly are a bunch of overachievers!! |
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...January 2014
Ever wondered what a professional rider does in a day? Follow Sophie through a day as an elite rider and learn what it is to be a professional in the equestrian industry! Click here... |
Travelling east with horses is one of those things - each time you do it you learn a little bit more about the trip, a little bit more about your horses and a little bit more about yourself! This trip has to have been one of our more heart wrenching trips across the country but the long drive home allows for plenty of thinking and evaluating time. Perfect for finding the 'silver lining'. After a brilliantly smooth trip across the continent (well, smooth until we reached the bumpy Victorian roads!) we settled Rex into Werribee Park for the week of the Melbourne International Three Day Event. Now, we are fairly used to making the long trip over and we do it quite quickly these days. My co-driver (mum) and I work like a well oiled machine as we get the horse/s off and on at the various stops along the way. Rex trotted up well at the first trot and we set to work fine tuning the dressage with Dr. Andrew McLean who kindly came down to give us a hand. With Andrew's help over the past few months we have had some huge improvements in Rex's dressage phase. Exciting! He did a test I was proud of. He was calm, did two beautiful flying changes, and didn't once lose his hair. I thought 'we'll take that, thats a good test in an atmosphere - we won't be winning but we can be proud'. The XC Course was super - great for Rex, a bold track, lots of galloping, and a clever horse like him ought to pop around quite happily. And he did, for the first handful of fences, and then it started to feel a little off. This is the point at which EVERY event rider starts to doubt themselves.....'am I just riding badly' ' is something wrong' 'maybe we just haven't found our rhythm yet'. Unfortunately we experienced every event rider's worst nightmare - he went lame part way around. Dear Rex is now stuck in a stable and we have lots of mucking out and hand-walking ahead of us. It was a long and bumpy drive home! However, the silver linings include time to focus on the youngsters and develop them, a little more dressage with my growing and talented team of dressage horses and a good chance to continue to develop and hone my competition processes ready for when we are back out there at the top of the game! For the Melbourne story-in-pictures and some handy Nullarbor and 3-Day Eventing tips head to the album on our facebook page here..... A big thanks to everyone for taking such an interest and getting involved on Facebook and for your kind words and well-wishes when it didn't quite go to plan! Keep the good vibes coming for dear Rexy who currently HATES me because it is clearly MY fault he isn't allowed out of his stable! Eventing is tough. Rex and I are tougher. |
After a fantastic clear and fast XC run around the well presented 3 star track at Dryandra CNC, Sophie and Let's Impress (Rex) moved into the lead and after cementing their good form with a clear jumping round they took top honours ahead of Olympian, Sonja Johnson. Other Young Riders, Jessica Manson and Tegan Lush filled out the top four. Dance Hall Diva also competed finishing in 6th place in the Introductory class. Several SW Equestrian students also did very well across the grades - a pleasing weekend for all! Thanks to the hard-working Dryandra Equestrian Association committee for their hard work putting in countless hours. |
VISIT TO HARSKAMP10th December 2011
Thanks to my new friend (Facebook is to blame!) Emmy de Jeu I was able to spend some time at Edward Gal, Nicole Werner and Han-Peter Minderhoud's yard in Holland. Riding Emmy's beautiful young stallion Che de Jeu under the watchful eye of Edward and Nicole was a real thrill! |
Despite the cold weather I am having a ball riding and learning from the best over here in Germany! I have learnt to drive on the "wrong" side of the road and been to Auctions, Stables, Competitions, Stallion Licensings, Cross-Country courses - the lot! I resisted the urge to buy myself some lovely young eventers to bring home when I was at the Luhmuhlen Eventing Auction- my parents would have been proud of my will power! Training top class dressage and jumping horses every day and working with such incredible riders (including Ingrid Klimke!), is a fantastic experience and I look forward to bringing all of this experience and knowledge home and put it into action. Next stop - Denmark, Holland, Belgium......! |
EUROPE CALLS!17th October 2011
After a fantastic event at Swan River Horse Trials @ Brookleigh with Let's Impress in the CIC*** I am now faced with the daunting task of packing a suitcase with just 20kgs of gear including my boots and spurs ready to head to the Northern Hemisphere! A fantastic opportunity has arisen for me to go and train at Stall Ramsbrock in Menslage, Germany alongside World Young Horse Champions Hella Kuntz, Claudia Ruscher, Hermann Burger and top class showjumper Pico Hannover. Huge thanks to my trainer Uwe Spenlen for his help in organising this! I promise I will return in time for the 2012 season! |

Skywalker winning at the States!
17th April 2011
Heidi Emery's Danish Stallion, Skywalker, wins at the State Championships with scores up to 77%.
After a rocky week leading up to the Western Australian State Championships when I was badly injured after an accident whilst unloading horses from the truck and was unable to ride (or walk for that matter) - Skywalker and I triumphed and proved what an fantastic and versatile Stallion he is by taking out the 2011 State Novice Championship. This makes it back to back State Championships for Sky. Congratulations to Team Skywalker & Hermitage Dressage and thank you to his owner Heidi Emery for trusting me with this exquisite horse.
Heidi Emery's Danish Stallion, Skywalker, wins at the State Championships with scores up to 77%.
After a rocky week leading up to the Western Australian State Championships when I was badly injured after an accident whilst unloading horses from the truck and was unable to ride (or walk for that matter) - Skywalker and I triumphed and proved what an fantastic and versatile Stallion he is by taking out the 2011 State Novice Championship. This makes it back to back State Championships for Sky. Congratulations to Team Skywalker & Hermitage Dressage and thank you to his owner Heidi Emery for trusting me with this exquisite horse.
What a dream weekend! With Let's Impress in the CCI*** and Statford Mojave in the CCN Pre-Novice we had a full-on weekend - huge thanks to Judy Rose and my Parents for helping it all run smoothly! Let's Impress pulled off the win in the CCI*** after a brilliant XC run and careful showjumping round where we had to leave all the poles intact to pull off the win! Statford Mojave also performed like a seasoned campaigner to win the CCN Pre-Novice - quite a feat for the young man at just 5 years old! He too had the pressure on in the showjumping with no rail in hand but rose to the occasion to take out the event. It's not often one gets to win a CCI Three Day Event let alone to have two wins in one weekend - what a thrill! Thanks to my fantastic sponsors and support crew who make it all possible. |